Travel Guide
Dublin is the capital city of the island and country of Ireland. It is famous for many things: the Guiness, for being a tax haven and for its amazing and very green nature, with beautiful cliffs and many huge parks. The word Dublin comes from “Dubh Linn”, an Old Irish Gaelic phrase which means “Black Pool”, which actually existed many years ago by the River Poddle, near the Castle Gardens of the Dublin Castle.... The city was founded by Vikings in the 9th century, and they called it the “Norse Kingdom of Dublin”. In the beautiful Trinity College studied some famous personalities like Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker (writer of Dracula). Some other city native celebrities from Dublin are the very famous writers George Bernard Shaw and James Joyce. A quite interesting fact is that Dublin has the youngest population in Europe, more than its 50% of population is less than 25 years of age. Also, being the Guinness home, there are 10 million pints of Guinness produced every day in Dublin. A part from the Ha’Penny Bridge or the Trinity College, one of the most beautiful kept secrets in Dublin is probably “The Book of Kells”, a sacred manuscript with Four Gospels of the New Testament made by the Celtic Monks around 800 AD. You will find it inside the Trinity College Library. Another very popular Dublin landmark is the Dublin castle, the oldest castle in the city (opened in 1204). Soccer and rugby are popular sports in Dublin, but there is a unique Irish brand of sport called “Gaelic football”, a combination between both of them. Phoenix Park in Dublin is the biggest urban park in Europe.
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