Festivities, Holidays and Traditions in Minorca
After the dead calm in winter, the island bursts out when good weather arrives. Between June and September each village and town have their folk festivals where horses and «pomada» -Minorca's typical drink- are the stars.In Ciutadella they start on June 24th with it's patron saint, Sant Joan (Saint John). Their the most popular and gather thousands of persons in their tiny alleys. For two day the «caixers», horseriders, ride the streets in a parade named JaleoWith the help from others they make the horses stand on their back feet for as long as possible. A must see spectacle. This festival starts the festivities in the whole island and virtually every weekend there's a Jaleo in some town or Village 'til September.
Els Llumets de Maó
El llumets de Maó (Maó's little lights) is a traditional festivity from Maó which abounces the coming of Christmas to Minorca. During the first weekend in December locals from all the island gather around Santa Maria's church in Maó and wait for the arrival of the «llumets». They are 4 elves which come down from the church tower to the Constitution square carrying with them the Xmas light. Once there, they count to 3 and all the Xmas lights are lit at the same time. A beautiful spectacle specially to younger ones.Matances de Bujots (Bujots killings)
Bujots killings is a folk party held in Easter day in Ciutadella. It's about hanging straw dolls, the Bujots, from the balconies of different associations. Those dolls represent politicians and public figures and the festivity is a sign of criticism and vindication. 4 or 5 persons are chosen to walk the streets with blank guns to shoot those puppets 'till they fall to the floor, to be burnt afterwards. Traditions says these was celebrated in ancient time to shoo evil spirits.Minorca People's Day
On January 17th the People's day is held in Minorca coinceding with Sant Antoni Abat, the Island's patron saint. It commemorates the inclusion of Minorca in the Catalan-Aragonese Crown in 1287. The most important act of the day in the Three hits procession, which ends with three hits on a paving stone to represent the Monarch Alfins III at his arrival in the island. It's said the king hit the wall gates three times and tradition has been kept.Other Destinations
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