Festivities, Holidays and Traditions in Saint Petersburg

Red Candles Festival

Between the 20th and the 24th of June there is a celebration in Saint Petersburg which is one of the most beautiful festivals in this city: the Red Candles Festivals. This event is dedicated to the recent graduated boys and girls from the high school which in the end of June receive the tittle or diploma.. Every year the festival gathers more than 80.000 people. It consists in two parts: one concert in the Palace Square, but in which you can also access through a special invitation; and the pyrotechnic-musical show which takes place in the Neva river. This show has the hot spot in a boat full of red candles which sails around the river.

White Nights’ stars Festival

The White Night’s stars festival started 20 years ago in Saint Petersburg to celebrate the White Nights of the Summer. It is a cultural event which gathers the opera with the ballet and the Russian classical music. It is considered one of the 10 best music festivals in the world and there are many amazing performances and plays during the months of May, June and July, so during some days it happens at the same time than the Red Candles.


Victory Day

On the 9th of May the Victory day it celebrated, meaning victory the moment when the the Russians won against the Germans in the Second World War. In Saint Petersburg, the Nevsky Avenue is closed and they fill it up with many flowers. For the local people it is a very emotional day.  


City Day

The 27th of May they celebrate the anniversary of Saint Petersburg. During two days the city is full of concerts, performances, parades and even some celebrations similar than the Carnival. Every year, famous artists and international singers celebrate concerts during these days together with some other activities.


Christmas and New Year’s Eve

One of the most expected days for the Russian people is the New Year’s Eve. During the Christmas time, which is celebrated on the 7th of January by the Ortodox caledar, the streets, squares and buildings of the city are decorated with various items and many lights. The Nevsky Avenue organizes an amazing Christmas fair and street market and in the main theaters they represent the The Nutcracker. But it is on the 31rst of December when the Russians celebrate the biggest of the Christmas parties. That day the “Cold Grandpa” or Ded Moroz, a kind of Santa Claus comes with his grand-daughter the Girl of the Snow. Together they distribute many toys, sweets and gifts to the children. The kids have to dance around the tree and read poems if they want to deserve the gifts. During that night, each family prepars a big meal with salads, caviar and vodka.


Opening up fountains of Peterhof

Every year in May it is celebrated the opening to the public of the Peterhof Park. During a day, the Palace gets full of fireworks and people wearing traditional clothes to see and admire the opening of the Palace’s fountains. Hundreds of water jets open at the same time together with some music from the militar music bands all around the park.

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