Real Alcázar de Sevilla

Real Alcázar de Sevilla
Pic by Juan Moyano | Dreamstime
Europe - Spain - Seville
Web: Real Alcázar de Sevilla
Patio de Banderas, s/n,41004 Seville
37°23'01.8"N 5°59'27.9"W
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The Real Alcázar de Sevilla forms a group of palaces surrounded by a wall and has served on many occasions as accommodation during the visits of the royal house.
This architectural complex has been influenced by many cultures, one of the reasons it mixes the Islamic, Mudejar, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. It has exceptional gardens and courtyards. An essential place to visit. However, it's not free and you will have to do a little queue to enter. If you are patient and enjoy visiting architectural spaces, this is definitely a good place!


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