Ruins of Jerash

Ruins of Jerash
Pic by Rhombur | Dreamstime
Middle East - Jordan - Amman

Jerash, Jordan
32°16'16.7"N 35°54'03.2"E
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The Ruins of Jerash can leave anyone speechless. These archeological remains, in the past were part of one of the most important roman cities in the near east. An earthquake during the 700 a. C. knocked over a great part of the buildings but in these days, those buildings have been restored with care and dedication. To visit Jerash is to travel back in time, and it is  one of the most attractive touristic spots of all Jordan because of its historical value and its beauty. In this architectural  complex there are theaters, bleachers, racetracks, squares and the famous Arch of Hadrian. Jerash is near Amman, the capital of Jordan, which makes it easy to visit. If you travel to this corner of the world, you have no excuses to not dedicate your time and savor what once was one of the most important cities of the Roman Empire.


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