Barcelona Cathedral

Barcelona Cathedral
Pic by Ivan Vander Biesen | Dreamstime
Europe - Spain - Barcelona
Web: Catedral de Barcelona
Placita de la Seu, s/n, 08002 Barcelona, Spain
41°23'02.2"N 2°10'34.3"E
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Barcelona Cathedral (Catedral de la Santa Creu y Santa Eulàlia de Barcelona) is, after the Sagrada Familia, the most famous religious temple in town. The cathedral, built in the nineteenth century, has a Catalan Gothic and neo-Gothic style and it is right in the Gothic neighborhood, one of Barcelona's most popular old areas. It is the seat of the city's archbishop and presides Plaça de la Seu, one of the most important malls in Barcelona.
The Cathedral is joined by the Pont del Bisbe - A bridge with neo Gothic style- with the "Cases dels Canonges", the official residence of the President of the Generalitat, the Catalan government. Next door, in the same square, is the Mercat de Santa Caterina, a very distinctive modernist construction for its corrugated roof decorated with different color mosaics.
During Christmas, the Cathedral Square hosts the Christmas market, better known as the "Fira de Santa Llúcia". It is also a great place to see artists' performances and street musicians. It’s also a nice, quiet place to stroll.


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