Signal Hill

Signal Hill
Pic by Holger Karius | Dreamstime
Africa - South Africa - Cape Town

Signal Hill, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa
33°55'02.1"S 18°24'14.0"E
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Signal Hill is one of the peaks that stand out from the mountains around Cape Town, South Africa. This hill is near the famous Lion's Head, also a famous city landmark, and Table Mountain and from the top these two mountains can be seen perfectly.
There is a path to go to this part of the city's nature, near Bo-Kaap neighborhood and the sights are amazing from the top: You can see downtown Cape Town and the Atlantic Ocean.
The best time to visit Signal Hill is during sunrise or sunset, when the light is dim and the reflection of the water allows us to enjoy the landscape and take good photos. A curious fact, every noon, at 13.30h a cannon of the South African Navy, based on the schedule of the South African Astronomical Observatory, fires a detonation to indicate the entire population the time of the day, this tradition dates back to the XIX century.


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