Pic by Roberto Giovannini | Dreamstime.com
Middle East - Israel - Jersusalem
The Cardo, Jerusalem, Israel
31°46'28.2"N 35°13'08.5"E
The Cardo was the main street during the Ancient Roman cities, lined with a row of columns. In the city of Jerusalem, the Cardo starts at the Damascus Gate and it ends at the Zion Gate. It is an interesting ruin area to be explored and definetely something very common in many Middle East cities.

Temple Mount

Old Town

Via Dolorosa & Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Mount of Olives

Western Wall

Garden of Gethsemane

The Cardo

Tower of David

Zedekiah’s Cave

Mahane Yehuda market

Yad Vashem

Dome of the Rock

Hurva Synagogue

Ramot Polin Apartments

Supreme Court

Safra Square

Bridge of Strings

Masada National Park

Dead Sea

Tel Aviv
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