Cavalleria Beach

Cavalleria Beach
Pic by Karol Kozlowski | Dreamstime
Europe - Spain - Minorca
Web: Platges de Balears
North Coast, Mercadal, Minorca, Spain
40°03'44.4"N 4°04'39.5"E
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Cavalleria beach is situated on the north coast of the island and really close to a town named Es Mercadal i Fornells and it's one of the most visited after the southern beaches.There's not much vegetation and the sand's dark reddish.That color matches the one from the sea to make a visual spectacle. One of the perks of this place is it's natural clay which many swimers put on their skin to clean it. Though a funny activity and not bad to most people, you got'ta make sure it won't react negatively with your skin. The best option is to fins clay dust -softer than clay sand- and wet it. Spread it on the skin and let it dry in the Sun. Once it changes color, have a swim to remove it and you'll instantly feel your skin is softer and smoother.

You can make a little excursion to Cavalleria cape, the most septentrional in Minorca with a viewpoint and spectacular sights.
Another great perk of Cavalleria beach is its sunsets. There's a great angle view to watch the Sun going down among reddish clouds. Fantastic!


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